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Monday, November 7, 2011

The wonders of Photoshop

You'd be surprised at how you can implement the road signs and billboards into Photoshop's magic. This is how MY.PacmanZ does it.

This one was based on the No Entry/One Way Road signboards in Malaysia. However, I was too lazy and made it a square instead.

Remember those ridiculous Tak Nak! Merokok(I do not want to smoke in BM) billboards that could be seen in schools and roadsides? I got bored and decided to make a parody of it. This time, the corrupt BN regime being the subject instead of cigarettes.

Remember Uncle Sam? Yep, this is based on America's now-infamous Uncle Sam. Its pretty much a reference to his bribe in Sibu last year. The line 'you help me, I fuck you' actually came from a comment which was seen in one of MalaysiaKini's videos on Youtube.

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