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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

School For Pregnant Teenagers?

Recently, someone within our government's education department in Melaka has made a suggestion to start a school for pregnant teenagers. Yes, a school for pregnant, underage girls people. This isn't a joke either. I can see a lot of boos coming to this suggestion to be honest but please, use your brains for once. Do you think these people should be excluded from society?
"Yes, a school for pregnant, underage girls people."

According to my own knowledge, pregnant teenage girls are usually forced to stop schooling. In some cases, they will only be allowed to return to the school for examinations and nothing more than that. The reason? It's simple. The school administration board doesn't want their image to be tarnished by that single individual and since she is going to be subject to verbal abuse, they might as well expel her. It's a win-win solution right? Wrong. Basically, these premarital pregnant individuals are trapped. They're excluded from society, the public has no respect for them and no school will accept them anymore. This is where a school for pregnant teenagers comes in. Not only will this school be able to prepare the pregnant individuals for the birth of their babies, the percentage of "pembuangan bayi" cases can also be reduced dramatically as the government monitors the concerned individuals actions towards their infants.

However, a school for pregnant teenagers will have it's own cons too. What will the younger generation think of premarital sex? This is like giving them the green light to have sex at an inappropriate age. Let us not forget that most of these teenagers are still relying on mommy and daddy to spoonfeed them. Also, as the school takes in more students, the identity of the concerned individuals may be revealed over time since the school only accepts pregnant teenagers. To put it in a nutshell, the concerned individuals and parents won't have any room for privacy at all as society looks down on them. They are also subject to verbal abuse from the public.

Of course, sex education is the way to go but our government is nowhere near to providing that kind of education soon enough. As I have said before, sex education SHOULD start from Primary 1 instead of Secondary 3.

This is OverL33T, jacking off another rant.

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