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Friday, July 2, 2010

Nerds & Computers: Anti-Aliasing Explained

A lot of people in here don't know what it really does so I'm going to give out a brief explanation here.

To put it bluntly, anti-aliasing is a method used to fool the eye to think that a jagged end is really smooth. The intention of Anti-Aliasing is to make today's games look more realistic. Remember though that Anti-Aliasing does not smooth any edges of images as it merely fools the eye. If you can't tell the difference, then let's compare 2 screenshots taken from Need For Speed: Prostreet with FRAPS.

NOTE: Because of Blogger's size limit, I am forced to use thumbnails. Please click the thumbnails to view the full size of the image.

Photobucket Photobucket

If you look at the images closely, you'll notice that the vehicle WITHOUT Anti-Aliasing has some jagged ends. This is caused by the limitations of a computer screen. It doesn't matter if you're on an LCD screen or a CRT. While your computer can draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, it cannot draw diagonal lines straightly.

Hope this helps,

EDIT: Apparently I posted 2 similar images. ****!

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