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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Barisan Kroni

You may think that the UMNO has good intentions. The Barisan Nasional, Najib, the SUPP, the government and the SKMM have good intentions. That is just the illusion they give you. In reality, these organizations are corrupt. They are bent on total domination and corruption, annihilating all who stand in the way of their interests.

When they tell you that any information can be demanded by the government in the interests of the state, they are referring to the interests of the corrupt political parties known as the United Malay's National Organization and the Barisan Nasional. You see, recently, a blogger known as Hanief was forced to surrender a few of his login details to the SKMM, inclduing his Google account and his Facebook. Of course he wrote them on the official warning. Why? Because it was either that or a couple of years in prison. However, I do applaud him for having the balls to stand up to authority and release a recording of the interrogation from the SKMM officers. SKMM also confiscated his modem, his father's computer and of course, his own computer.

But take heed: This is merely a minority compared to what the government will do to suppress the voices of those who oppose their rule of monarchy. You see, the government is notorious for their assassinations and arrests on those who have spoken up against them. Note the recent attempts to frame Anwar with a sex tape and the fact that he was accused of sodomy again after he was released from his ISA sentence that was issued by Mahathir when Anwar Ibrahim challenged his power. Back in 2010, an anonymous member from a secret society in Sibu which discussed sensitive issues that are usually banned. At the same night of the day, Najib bribed Sibu MYR2 Million to vote for the SUPP. Yes, we were friends. Yes, the government censors all of their crimes by preventing the mass media from reporting it to the public which is why our dear little friend hasn't been reported dead.

Now here's a little warning to the government. You can only be an asshole for so long before the hand of justice comes for you. Revolution is at hand. We will strike a blow so hard you will tremble at the sound of our revolution. We will strike just like Russia, Egypt, China and Libya.

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